Today, due to the advancement of electronics technology, there are many branches of telecommunication, computing, broadcasting and technology that can no longer be imagined separately. These technologies are going to be unified together. And such integrated technology is called information technology. (F3ZONE)

What Is Information Technology?

Information technology is the collection, integration, storage, processing and exchange or provision of all information through computer and telecommunication systems.

What is Information Technology and Why You Should Care | Information Technology - What It Is and How It Affects Your Digital Education City

Information Technology Knowledge 

The word information is derived from the Latin word 'informatio'.. The verb root of this word is 'informare', which means: to inform, guide, teach, impart, etc.

The use of the word 'technology' can be seen in many ways. Modern lifestyle is a combination of electronic devices that make life easier than before. (F3ZONE)


Elwood Shannon is the father of information technology

Importance Of Information Technology :

To put it simply, most of the organizations have IT or IT systems at work or the organization cannot survive in the competitive market of today's fast paced world. It is rare to find a business or organization that does not depend at least in part on computers and the networks that connect them. Hence, those who are technologically advanced in the competitive market are making progress.

What Is Nanotechnology ?  

Its application and advantages-disadvantages -

Nanotechnology : 

Nanotechnology is the science of manipulating metallic materials to create microscopic devices at the atomic and molecular scale.

The word nano is derived from the Greek word for lexicon. At some point in time, Richard Feynman discovered this nanotechnology.

One Billionth Of 1 Meter Is Called 1 Nanometer.
 Application Of Nano Technology :

  •  Space equipment
  •  to make fuel
  •  To make medicines and cosmetics
  •  Computer hardware is made
  •  Nano robot made
  •  textile industry
  •  Electronics equipment

Also In Different Cases Use of Nano Technology:-

Viruses, bacteria, proteins as well as cells of our body are used by nanotechnology. The new technology will use nanotechnology in the bulbs, which will not only reduce the electricity consumption but also provide more light.

Advantages of Nano Technology :

Benefits :

Medicines produced by applying nanotechnology can be used to get quick relief by using "smart drugs".

In silver making of foodstuff packaging

Made durable, permanent and small in size products (F3Zone)

Use of technology in various types of diet displays, transistors and electrical products. has revolutionized the electronic industry.

Greater utilization of solar energy through batteries, fuel cells, solar cells etc. made by nanotechnology.

History Of Technology -

The importance of a technology increases when that technology is widely demanded and useful. The invention of fire control in prehistoric times and later the Neolithic Revolution increased food sources and the invention of the wheel helped humans navigate and control the environment.  Gradually, the invention of printing press, telephone, mobile, computer and internet have removed the physical barriers of people in the field of communication and enabled people to communicate freely in the global environment.

Technology has many implications.  This has helped develop more affluent economies (including today's global economy) and has led to the emergence of luxurious societies. Many technological processes produce unwanted byproducts known as pollution, which harm the Earth's environment by depleting natural resources.  Innovations always affect society's values ​​and at the same time raise new questions about the ethics of technology. Examples include the definition of reputation based on competence that hinders bioethics.

Philosophical arguments about the use of technology still disagree about whether it has improved or worsened the human condition.  Neo-Luddism, anarcho-primitivism and similar reactionary movements criticize the spread of technology, arguing that it harms people.  On the other hand, proponents of techno-progressivism view technology as beneficial to society. #Freelancer-Zone 

Future Technology -

Theories of technology often attempt to predict the future of technology based on the high technology and science of a given time. Like all predictions of the future, technology is uncertain.

In 2005, futurist Ray Kurzweil predicted that the future of technology would consist of an overlapping "GNR revolution" combining genetics, nanotechnology, and robotics, with robotics being the most important of the three.

Ethical Perspective :

The field of information ethics was founded in the 1940s by the mathematician Norbert Wiener. The use of information technology is leading to abuse of certain things:

  •  Copyright infringement by downloading archived files without permission from copyright holders
  •  Employers will monitor their employees' email and other Internet use without permission.
  •  Unknown email/unverified email.
  •  Hackers have unrestricted access to online information.
  •  A website installs cookies or spyware to monitor a user's online activities.

Below Are The Disadvantages Of Information And Communication Technology :

 i. Misdirected information and communication technology skills can have huge personal, social or national consequences. Misdemeanors may occur.

 ii. Misuse of technology causes suffering in public life. can
 iii. Being more active on social media. When it rises, the normal activities of individual and social life are disrupted.
 iv. Addiction to information and communication technology can wreak havoc on an individual's life. Addictions include computer games, the Internet, and bad intentions. Website browsing is noteworthy.

 v. Being subjected to hostile or purposefully motivated harassment in personal life

Misuse Of Information Technology Current Situation:

According to DSP City-Cyber ​​Crime Investigation statistics in 2020, 7% of 18-year-old boys and girls, 34% of 19-25-year-old boys and girls, 36% of 26-35-year-old boys and girls, 36 20% of men and women aged 55 and over and 3% of men and women aged 55 and over are involved in various types of criminal activities by misusing information technology.

Pornography Addiction -

More than half of the internet used in the country is spent on pornographic and various online games, including apps like TikTok and Likey. 60 percent of urban or school children are addicted to pornography today. And this excessive addiction to pornography is the result of misuse of information technology. So before giving a big advanced mobile or tab to the child, think about whether he can use it safely or not. If not, the waste of talent of the new generation cannot be prevented, crime will also increase. As a result, the young generation is suffering from physical degeneration as well as mental degeneration. 700 people commit suicide every day in the world just because of misuse of information technology. Also it has made the current generation quite addicted. As a result, the generation spends time on Facebook, mobile and internet instead of books. It is important to take steps to save the future generation of school, college, university students from this disastrous international conspiracy. And harmful sites should be closed or access prevented. Otherwise we will soon sink into the darkness of civilization.

Online Games Are Addictive :

Various online games such as free fire, pubg, online games are leading the youth to ruin, so many people complain about them, which results in these online games being quickly shut down. Also, more than 20 thousand pornography sites have been shut down. At present  50 percent of the 2600 Gbps bandwidth used in the country is spent on Tik Tok, Likey, Free Fryer, PUBG online games and watching pornography which is very sad.

Youth Gang Activism:

Misuse of information technology is a massive change in the humanity and moral disaster of teenagers. Currently, youth gangs are formed in various districts across the country, among which 50 to 60 youth gangs are active in Dhaka, 3 in Khulna, 15-20 in Jessore, 10 in Feni, 81 in Rajshahi, 16 in Chittagong, who misuse information technology, 20%. Murder, 24% of women and children abuse, and robbery, extortion are committing complex crimes. These juvenile gangs mainly commit group-based crimes on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc.

Conclusion -

Today we read the #Technology post of this #Freelancer-Zone website which we came to know:-
  • What Is Information Technology And Why You Should Care.
  • What Is Nanotechnology,
  • Importance Of Information Technology,
  • What Is Nanotechnology,
  • Nanotechnology application and advantages-disadvantages,
  • Application Of Nano Technology,
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Nano Technology,
  • History Of Technology,
  • Future Technology,
  • Ethical Perspective,
  • Below Are The Disadvantages Of Information And Communication Technology,
  • Misuse Of Information Technology Current Situation,
  • F3ZONE 
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