Time is variable.  So we have to learn something special with time.  With time, the country, state, society is moving forward.  So we should also utilize time to bring success in its proper use.  Let us know about such a course of education today.  This is the HTML code.  (A Guide to HTML Education) has been discussed in detail about it- 🥴 (F3Zone)

HTML Code For Website | How to learn HTML: For Beginners
A Guide To HTML Education

What Is HTML?

It is not actually a programming language but a markup language consisting of a series of markup tags.  HTML is most commonly used to create web pages on the internet and websites. 

HTML Code Discovery - 

HTML Code is a markup language that consists of a series of markup tags. HTML Code is most commonly used to create webpages on the Internet, that is, on websites. The full form of HTML Code is Hyper Text Markup Language, this is a markup language, not a programming language.  HTML Code was invented by Tim Berner Lee. In 1990, Berners-Lee introduced HTML Code in browser and server software. (F3ZONE)

HTML Code Usage –

The basic structure of a webpage is created using HTML Code markup tags.  It is not actually a programming language but a markup language consisting of a series of markup tags.  HTML Code is most commonly used to create web pages on the internet and websites. 

HTML Code is not only used to create web pages. Also HTML is used more closely. For example,

  •  #Game development
  •  #Web page development
  •  #Internet navigation
  •  #Web document creation
  •  #Responsive design 

Creating Web Page Structure With HTML -🎉

Let's use what we've learned so far to create a basic structure of what a web page looks like today.  Remember what a tag looks like?  <start> ∆ </start>.  Here the HTML tag should be placed in the place of start.  Consider an HTML tag named education.  Then the tag will be <education> </education>.  There is no tag in the name of education, just a fun attempt to get your head around what a tag is like.  Note one more thing, each tag has 2 parts.  For example: <education> is the first part, it is called the opening tag.  Again </education> is the second part.  This is called a closing tag.  The very basic structure of a web page is made up of 3 #tags.  There are three #tags: html tag, <head> tag and body tag.  Head tag and body tag should be written inside the html tag.  One more line should be written at the very beginning with these three tags.  The line is: <!DOCTYPE html>.  That is, the structure of an HTML web page looks like this:

  •    <!DOCTYPE html>
  •    <html>
  •     <head>
  •     </head>
  •     <body>

  •    </body>
  •    </html>
Here <!DOCTYPE html> line means: DOCUMENT TYPE of whatever is being written here is: html.

No matter how big the web site is - this basic structure will remain.  Congratulations, you have completed the initial steps of creating a website!

How To Learn HTML?

If you want to make your own career by learning HTML, there are many ways to learn HTML.  Maa can learn HTML in 5 to 6 months.  However, how fast you can learn is entirely up to you.

You can easily learn HTML by using the following means- 🎉

  •  @Learn through YouTube
  •  @Online with the help of internet
  •  @Take web designs course
  •  @HTML Tutorial
  •  @Learn online with Udemy
  •  @Through HTML Learning Books

You can easily learn HTML or web design through YouTube or various online websites.  Moreover, nowadays it has become very easy to get knowledge on any subject from the internet.

And if you want to do HTML course with certificate in a professional way, then I suggest you to do course from a good web design institute.  Remember HTML language is very simple which can be learned easily. 


What Are HTML Tags-?

HTML Tag is a hidden keyword (keyword), which determines how the content on your webpage will be displayed in the web browser. The set of characters used to create appropriate HTML commands for web pages are called HTML tags.

HTML tags are used in 2 types viz.

#Opening HTML Tag

#Closing HTML Tag

It is important to use the closing html tag along with the opening html tag to complete an HTML command. 

What Is HTML Language-?

HTML is a language that is used to create web documents or webpages as tags.  And that's why we call html a language.

Versions of HTML-

With the present time, the version of HTML is getting more advanced and modern.  Also, each version of HTML has its own unique features. Below you can see that there are 7 classifications of HTML in today's world-

  •  ✓HTML 1.0
  •  ✓HTML 2.0
  •  ✓HTML 3.0
  •  ✓HTML 3.2
  •  ✓HTML 4.0 
  •  ✓HTML
  •  ✓HTML 5

Hypertext -

Hypertext is the medium through which the entire Website or Web can be searched. Hypertext is a text that can be seen on any electronic device such as mobile or computer.

These types of texts have a special theme. Hypertext contains references to other text documents that can be activated by clicking on them with the mouse. 

Hypertext-Documents are linked by means of Hyper-links. Any text can be converted into a Hyper-link using HTML Anchor Tag. Moreover, any image, video etc. can be used as Hyper-link.

What Is Markup?

How to show the text in a web page and the correct sequence of various symbols and characters used between those texts is called markup.

Below Is A Sample HTML Code- 

HTML Code Example
HTML Code Basic Education 

Advantages And Disadvantages Of HTML:


  •  Html is easy to use and pages created by Html load easily.
  •  A page's data can be moved anywhere.
  •  Every browser supports Html.
  •  Easy to learn and use.
  •  Lower page size costs less.
  •  Can be edited in any text editor.
  •  Html is for everyone.
  •  Easy to create attractive webpages.
  •  Supports programming tools like Css,php,javascript,Asp,Jsp etc.
  •  Web forms can be designed and various formatting can be done.


Html can create static pages but Html cannot be used for dynamic pages.
Creating a simple webpage requires writing a lot of code.
Html's security system is weak.
Running webpages with a lot of coding creates a lot of complexity.


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If you want to learn HTML programming better, then you can watch this video?



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